Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What can we learn from Precinct 2 in Oxford?

I'm getting reports via Twitter that Oxford's Precinct 2 has experienced a massive increase in turnout from 2007.  In the 2007 Democratic primary, there were just over 1000 votes cast in Oxford's Precinct 2. As of 5:00 p.m. today, there were 1,669 votes in the Democratic primary.  That is substantial, and may mean Luckett is going to run stronger than previously thought.


Anderson said...

Or not.

Boarzombie said...

There's something else you might want to check out, from Rankin County. The uncontested Republican statewide and countywide candidates got well over 29,000 votes, with one exception: Steve Simpson. Apparently even in majority Republican Rankin County many in the electorate just couldn't hold their nose and vote for that guy.

Anderson said...

I wrote in "ANYBODY ELSE" on Simpson.

(Yes, I did the GOP primary, so I could vote on my supe, sheriff, etc. Made me feel kinda dirty in a fun way, like if I'd been marching in a gay-pride parade.)