Thursday, September 4, 2014

Nuclear Waste Storage Showing Up Again

Just when you thought the issue of nuclear waste storage in Mississippi had gone away (again), here we go once more!

Tomorrow in Atlanta, a panel discussion will be held to discuss the impacts of consolidated nuclear waste storage on communities. A representative on this panel is none other than Patrick Sullivan, President of the Mississippi Energy Institute. Let's not forget that Brent Christensen, Phil Bryant's right-hand man at the Mississippi Development Authority, is still on the Mississippi Energy Institute's Board of Directors.

When I hear "consolidated," I take that to mean they are not just planning on storing Mississippi's nuclear waste in southern Mississippi. It means that Mississippi could be the consolidated dump for nuclear waste from places like California, New York, and Florida.

The Mississippi Public Service Commission, in a bipartisan way, has gone on record to say that we do not want nuclear waste stored in Mississippi, especially around our neighborhoods, forests, and waterways. Even Republican U.S. Representative Steven Palazzo is opposed to nuclear waste storage in Mississippi.

Nearly a year has gone by with the public and regulators in opposition to this idea, yet Sullivan continues to advocate Mississippi as the best place to go for dumping nuclear waste.

Phil Bryant even went as far as to say concern over this issue is an "overreaction." Once again, Phil Bryant and his cronies continue to ignore the will of Mississippians while helping his friends make a buck at the expense of our state.

1 comment:

Stan Flint said...

This is the same person who brought us the beef plant boondoggle. He is also a cheerleader for drilling around our barrier islands and for the Kemper Plant called a "calamity" by the Wall St. Journal. No idea that's too bad for these guys.