Thursday, February 10, 2011

Brandon Jones on creating jobs and cracking down on domestic violence

On February 9th, Rep. Brandon Jones (D-Pascagoula) emailed his constituents and updated them on his work at the Capitol. Here's what he had to say:

Dear Friend,

Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Act On Hold

Thursday is the deadline for the House and Senate to take floor action on bills that originated in those chambers. Among the bills I have presented to the House is the Mississippi Geological Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide Act. This is an important bill that will help save thousands of Mississippi jobs and allow our state to capitalize on the national carbon sequestration movement.

The bill creates a regulatory framework that certifies a safe and established practice—injecting CO2 underground to extract oil and gas out of declining and dormant fields—also called “carbon sequestration” as recognized under new federal regulations. It also would encourage the long-term storage of industrial CO2, a greenhouse gas, in instances where there is no on-going oil and gas activity.

Benefits of this bill include preserving and creating a new generation of on-shore oil field jobs and producing millions of additional barrels of oil that otherwise would not be produced.

An amendment to the bill was offered earlier today and a point of order was raised that the amendment is not germane to the bill. This point of order will be ruled on tomorrow and discussion on the bill will continue.

Several important bills remain on the calendar

Bills still awaiting action before Thursday’s deadline include the Policyholders’ Bill of Rights, a bill that would allow for GPS tracking in some domestic violence cases, numerous measures to help law enforcement, and bills to assist some of our most important industries. I will keep you updated on these measures as we move through the process.

How to Contact Me

I invite you to call me on my cell phone at xxx-xxx-xxxx or e-mail me at For real time updates, you can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

I will also be posting my updates and House related news on my website at You can follow legislative proceedings by going to Please feel free to forward this report to folks in our district and let me know if I need to add someone to my list.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve.


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