Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hosemann Fundraises While He Waits

Hosemann Serving Platitudes on a 6th Grade Reading Level
While he impatiently waits for Sen. Thad Cochran to announce his plans, Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann is not wasting any time throwing red meat and scaring donations out of his Tea Party base.

Hosemann spends most of his letter talking about all of his victories over "the feds," including defeating the guys in black suits from meddling in our elections.

Speaking of meddling in elections, we know that Tea Party representatives attended a meeting at the request of Hosemann with leaders of our state's recognized political parties prior to the 2012 General Election. That's correct; Delbert invited Tea Party leaders in order to keep them in the loop and to temporarily ease their paranoia. The Tea Party's biggest concern was that the blue helmets of the United Nations would tamper with our elections. To our knowledge, no tin foil hats were worn by Tea Party representatives at Hosemann's meeting.

Delbert takes credit for winning cases before the United States Supreme Court when the Court struck down Section IV of the Voting Rights Act! Yes, a person who neither argued the case nor has a vote on the Court takes the credit.

Not only that, he takes credit for Voter ID. Sure, he made the issue one of his biggest campaign promises, but it was ultimately the Republican-led legislature that passed legislation implementing Voter ID. Not Delbert. Hosemann should thank his potential Republican challenger, state Sen. Chris McDaniel for passing the Voter ID bill out of his committee.

It seems there is a difference between proven and promise. Hosemann is proving he can take credit for someone else's promise.

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