In case you were wondering, Mike Collier (D) is looking to unseat Leonard Bentz (R) in this race. Bentz voted for a 45% rate increase to shift all the risk of construction of Mississippi Power's Kemper County Coal Plant to the consumers, and off of Mississippi Power.
Yes, I also saw where a former KKK member George Malvaney is Chairing a fundraiser for Bentz Monday night at the Island View Casino. I guess there is nothing this guy won't do. Former KKK member as chair of fundraiser, unbelievable.
Fundraiser for Bentz was Chaired by the longest standing board member of Mississippi Power Company (Jerry St. Pe). How is it Bentz votes for a big rate increase for Mississippi Power and then the board member for them in the same year chairs a big fundraiser? Bentz must have pictures of Brad Kessie or this would be in the press. Commissioners went to jail for taking money from utilities and Bentz has a fundraiser chaired by the longest serving board member of Southern Company in the same year he gives a big rate increase? Horrible! Sun Herald, WLOX you guys should be ashamed for not pointing this out!!!!!!!!!!
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