Saturday, May 14, 2011

Who has the most cash on hand in the Mississippi House? And who raised the most this period?

Here is a ranking of Mississippi House members who have the most cash on hand as reported in the May 10, 2011 periodic finance report.  Only Representatives with more than $20,000 are listed.
1. Representative Johnny Stringer (D)--$136,915.33
2. Representative Bobby Moak  (D)--$110,736.10
3. Representative Cecil Brown (D)--$78,269.25
4. Representative Brandon Jones (D) -- $76,059.90
5. Representative Sam Mims (R) -- $75,432.86
6. Representative Jim Ellington (R)-- $61,362.00
7. Representative Randall Patterson (D) -- $51,650.05
8. Representative Sid Bondurant (R) -- $50,381.26
9. Speaker Billy McCoy (D)-- $47,505.37
10. Representative Scott Bounds (R)--$44,089.25
11. Representative Bill Denny (R)--$42,203.00
12. Representative Steve Holland (D)--$37,269.08
13. Representative George Flaggs, Jr. (D)--$36,104.38
14. Representative Bill Pigott (R)--$35,100.25
15. Representative Toby Barker (R)--$34,531.00
16. Representative Mark Formby (R)--$29,613.14
17. Representative Jim Beckett (R)--$29,251.49
18. Representative Mark Baker (R)--$28,746.14
19. Representative Scott DeLano (R)--$22,730.80
As with the senator’s list, this list will be updated as new reports are made available.

The House leader in fundraising for this reporting period was Brandon Jones at $28,957.00 with Johnny Stringer close behind at $28,300.00.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dirk Dedeaux - $58,848 on hand