
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

MDA Salary Bonus Smells of Cronyism

The Clarion-Ledger reports that the Mississippi Development Authority Executive Director Brent Christensen has been given a $47,000 boost in salary by proponents of Governor "Three Mile" Bryant's nuclear dump plan.

Below is a list of the companies and their contribution to Christensen's salary boost. These companies also serve on the Mississippi Energy Institute's Board of Directors.

Atmos Energy: $2,000
Butler Snow (Haley Barbour's firm): $2,000
Entergy: $2,000
Mississippi Power: $2,000
Nucor Steel: $1,000

Bryant's nuclear agenda, whatever that may be, is starting to come into a little bit more focus. If these companies have a goal in mind to make Mississippi the home of nuclear waste, who better to push the agenda than the person whose salary you're supplementing? You scratch my back; I'll scratch yours. Talk about conflicts of interest!

During debate over the bill allowing for such salary increases to occur, questions were raised about the MDA Executive Director being paid by companies to help push their business interests. Here we are a year later proving they were correct in their skepticism. The next time you get your electricity bill, keep in mind that your energy service provider isn't the only one getting paid.

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