Governor "Three Mile" Phil Bryant is heading overseas again to drum up economic development opportunities for the state. After our report this morning about very sad job losses in the state, Bryant has his work cut out for him.
On this particular trip, Bryant and his economic development team are heading to Brazil. Why Brazil?
The United States has developed a good economic relationship with their government and they are one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Brazil has started a greater use of nuclear power to fuel its growing economy. By 2030, Brazil plans to build four new nuclear power plants in order to keep up with energy demands.
Sounds like history is repeating itself. During their trip to France, Bryant's team toured a nuclear facility and when asked about it, Bryant essentially shrugged and said "beats me." Many of the same folks who joined the French nuclear expedition are now in Brazil. When he returns, expect Bryant to be asked about the meetings in which he participated. Whether he will be transparent about his activities is solely up to him.
Also, this afternoon, former Governor Haley Barbour returned from his home in Washington to endorse nuclear waste storage in Mississippi, calling it a "Godsend." We have yet to hear Barbour endorse or pray for nuclear waste storage in Yazoo City. It is remarkable what one can say when his or her name will not be on a ballot again.
we need a running count of jobs being lost because of closings(ingalls, furniture brands,etc.) in 2012 and 2013 together with the number of jobs no longer on the jobs report. Also we need a true count on the guaranteed jobs not what might happen 5 or 10 years from now. Combine that with the amount of money guaranteed by the state or to be spent for these private companies. Then the people of ms will really find out the truth.