Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Parents Against Personhood's Atlee Breland: Value women, don't blame them

Atlee Breland, a leader of anti-Personhood efforts, authored a piece for RankinDemocrats.net today, and it's pretty danged good.  Here's an excerpt:
Mississippi is home to more single mothers than any other state, and more of those families fall below the poverty line. It’s more important here than anywhere else in the nation to provide opportunities for women. We need our bright and capable girls to become teachers to help all of our children succeed in school, and to be doctors and dentists and nurses to improve our woeful health outcomes. We need them to start small businesses to grow our state’s economy, and yes, to run for office to bring our perspectives to government. Most of all, we need not to automatically leave half of our state’s talent and energy behind at home.
Amen, sister.

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