Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rep. Willie Perkins (D - Greenwood) questions Rep. Bill Denny (R - Jackson) about the Denny redistricting map

Rep. Perkins (D - Greenwood) is now questioning Rep. Denny (R - Jackson) about the Denny map.  Perkins asks first about cracking and packing.  (Read about those terms here.)  Perkins then moves on to ask Denny about the community redistricting meetings across the state in preparation for last year's redistricting efforts and the standards adopted by the committee this year.  Asks Denny whether or not the committee adopted as one of its standards not to employ packing and cracking.  Denny says he believes the committee did.

Perkins is now asking Denny if he remembers Republicans said last year that they were fine with their individual districts, but voted against the map as a whole because they had not seen it before it was presented to the committee.  Denny says "That was last year."  (Denny earlier admitted that no one saw the map as a whole until he printed it out last Friday.  Denny of course then went on to change the districts over the weekend.)

Perkins asks Denny if the prison populations were counted in drawing the districts.  Denny says they were.  That's rich, since they can't vote.

Perkins then begins to hit Denny with individual non-majority minority districts in which the minority voting age population was reduced substantially.  Denny says he did that to prevent retrogression.

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