Saturday, May 14, 2011

David Baria posts remarks on his decision to run for the House

From Sen. David Baria's Facebook page earlier today:

An icon of the Mississippi legislature is retiring and his presence will be missed by both the citizens of Hancock County and the State of Mississippi. After talking with JP, I have decided to run for the Mississippi House of Representatives, District 122. There are several reasons I have decided to make this change. House districts are comprised of approximately 25,000 people, whereas Senate districts are made up of about 45,000. While I have very much enjoyed and feel privileged to have been able to represent all of Hancock County, I look forward to campaigning in a smaller geographical area, and having a greater ability to serve constituents due to the smaller number. Also, serving in House District 122 will allow me to focus more on the coastal areas decimated by Katrina and directly impacted by the BP oil spill--both areas of focus for me throughout my time in the Senate. I appreciate your continued support.

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